The concrete objectives of the partnership are as follows:

- to exchange experiences, best practice in educating students with special needs 
in order to find out most effective motivation and activisation methods and techniques,

- to deepen teachers’ and organization workers’ theoritical knowledge of motivating
and activating students with SEN as well as raise their qualifications and competences,

- to raise teaching standards both in formal and non-formal special education,

- to enrich education offer to students,

- to collect, publish data on new effective methods and techniques in motivating and activating
students with special needs and share interesting project findings with other special schools
and organisations which cater to disabled people,

- to raise parents’ awareness of the important role of motivation and help them find best
ways of motivating and activating their children to positive actions,

- to develop long-term co-operation among authorities, schools and organizations
which address the issues of handicapped people.